Letter to the Editor: Time to move on from Jan. 6

Dear Editor:

The invasion of the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, should not and would not have happened if mitigation measures had been taken.

President Trump and his top advisers, as early as Jan. 2, strongly recommended to Nancy Pelosi that she authorize the deployment of 20,000 in the National Guard to provide security because of rumors of possible bad behavior at the rally.

Additionally, President Trump strongly recommended to the D.C. police that their presence should be increased. President Trump advised several times about the urgency in providing additional security, however, since Nancy Pelosi is in charge of security, it was her call and the mayor of D.C.’s call to follow through. Even Liz Chaney in the Investigative Hearing said that it was known about the possibility of bad happenings Jan. 6. Sadly, no one acted on the warnings.

The perpetrators who invaded the Capitol and destroyed property and injured police officers are being held accountable and are being charged, fined, and/or jailed.

It is time to move on to more pressing matters: high gasoline prices, inflation, wide open borders, fentanyl-laced opioids and other drugs coming across the border and having killed over 100,000 Americans in a year, food shortages, increase in crime, and homelessness.

Martha Morrissy

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