Letter to the Editor: Support for new medians

Dear Editor:

I was surprised to read the two negative letters in the Thursday, July 4, 2019 Downey Patriot regarding a median and street tree planting project on Paramount Boulevard, north of Imperial Highway. O

ne correspondent suggested in their opinion that " serviceability overrides beauty" and the other opined that it is "a terrible idea."

My question is how does beautifying a major route through our city by adding a tree canopy, to what has largely been an ignored corridor, translate so poorly? Personally, I've always felt the noise pollution, air pollution, light pollution, lack of a tree canopy, and downright visual ugliness in some instances, have been major negative issues for all the years we have lived in Downey adjacent to the Paramount Blvd. corridor.

For all our time living here we have looked forward to a project such as the one being currently undertaken. Civic projects like this increase pride for (nearly) all residents, enhance ambience, filter road and vehicle emission pollution, provide shade, increase property values, and make our neighborhoods better places to live.

The amount of traffic around us is going to continue to grow, we live in the most populous state in the U. S. and no amount of planning is going to stop the growth or stop the traffic. Forgoing an investment in our community so that people can make a faster left hand turn or speed through more easily is not going to stop population growth or abate growing traffic issues.

Personally, I have waited decades for this project. I don't know what tide changed to make this project possible but I'd rather know my City cared enough about where I live to make it a better place. This project is the first highly visible indication that the City of Downey cares about this corridor, and the people who live in it, in all the 46 years we have lived here.

They and the project have my full support.

Catherine Pannell

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