The Downey Patriot

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Letter to the Editor: Still missing musical theater in Downey

Dear Editor:

It has been 10 years since we lost Downey Civic Light Opera. Most of us remember the wonderful productions that Marsha Moode and her team gave us several times each season.

Sadly the civic theatre is now mainly just a concert venue run by a company whose main trait is avarice. A few months back we were given a sliver of hope when the city announced that it would take bids from other theatre management companies. In the end the only bid received was from VenueTech, what a shock.

Perhaps doing this on the heels of a global pandemic was not the best timing. Or perhaps it was all a ruse and there was never any intent of giving another company a chance. I believe the latter. So once again we are stuck with mediocrity. I guess we are supposed to be impressed that $54,000 was spent on tacky banners to hang on the outside of the building.

This is truly why you can’t have nice things anymore. I would gladly trade everything that VenueTech has done for just one DCLO show.

Mike Sanburn