The Downey Patriot

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Letter to the Editor: Response to Op-Ed

Dear Editor:

Something that was missing from the Op-Ed article and the "clarification" on the op-ed is the writer's plan for how they are going to help improve on all the things they believe were done incorrectly. 

I would love to hear from them directly about what they would do. District officials, teachers, and principals have been working so hard around the clock and this Op-Ed article was rude, mean-spirited, and lacking in what I believe is the most important part of any complaint:  the suggested plan for change. 

If the writer's don't have a plan to help or are going to come on out with their face masks and gloves to feed families, collect supplies back from students, distribute Senior gifts, and basically work non-stop for the last 10 weeks, then perhaps they need to stop and think before they post another article like this one. People are really good at being critics but not great at being "helpers". This article is evidence of that fact. 

As a long-time teacher and also a product of Downey Unified, I am angered and feel disrespected by this article. I understand freedom of speech, but I am so upset that people can be so critical--with no alternate ideas to offer--during such a difficult time for everyone. 

This is a huge disappointment and also feels gross, like the authors were just trying to get attention. Which they have, just maybe not in the way they were hoping. 

Alison Kirby