The Downey Patriot

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Letter to the Editor: Questions about the Downey Former Mayors Coalition

Dear Editor:

I am intrigued by a group formed in 2015, self-proclaimed as the Downey Former Mayors Coalition. Who are the former mayors and what is the actual purpose of this “coalition”?

I would appreciate it if someone from this group could answer and inform Downey residents if they have bylaws, who is leading it, and if it has a charitable purpose, or if it’s just a “good old boys club” with a token woman?

On their Facebook page, they state, “We are a non-partisan coalition who will work together…” Really? What a hypocrisy as they become a close-knit group of only 5-7 former mayors, operating with a predominantly Republican bias.

Currently, there are 13 or 14 living former mayors of Downey, including Republicans and Democrats. However, the coalition as it exists today has only seven “members,” all Republicans. And why is Hector Sosa, a freshman councilmember just a few months into her term, part of the former Republican Mayors club when he has never been a mayor? The same Hector Sosa that appointed Downey Former Mayors Coalition operative Mario Guerra to the Planning Commission.

It is hypocritical that this “coalition” promotes unity, “Downey Strong,” and yet becomes a political operative group working with primarily five individuals most of the time: Mario Guerra, Kirk Cartozian, Rick Rodriguez, Claudia Frometa and Alex Saab, sometimes joined by Roger Brossmer and Keith McCarthy. From my research, this close-knit group serves primarily political purposes, curiously leaning towards the Republican Party; effectively dividing the city while proclaiming non-partisanship and a hollow desire for unity.

How do they justify not including other living former mayors? In particular, the ones still residing in Downey? Curiously missing from the group are Luis Marquez, Sean Ashton, Fernando Vasquez and Blanca Pacheco, all four registered Democrats, the latter being the city’s most prominent political figure currently representing Downey in the state Assembly. I’m curious, and perhaps the Assemblywoman and the other excluded former mayors can shed light on this question: were they ever invited to join the Downey Former Mayors Coalition? If not, why not? Is it because of their political party affiliation?

It begs the question, what is the true purpose of this political group? Their known actions include blocking Sean Ashton from the mayor’s seat, reminiscent of dirty Southeast Los Angeles County politics. Never in Downey’s City Council history had a majority skirted the traditional mayoral rotation and actively blocked a colleague from ascending to mayor until the Republicans on the council blocked Ashton. T

A quick glance at their social media reveals that their posts only support colleagues identified with the Republican Party, such as Hector Sosa, Claudia Frometa, Mario Guerra, Alex Saab, among others. And now they are supporting Elvia Meraz in District 1, even after certain controverial court documents were released that bring her character into question, and Dorothy Pemberton in District 3, she being the leader of the historic and unprecedented recall of Catherine Alvarez, only so she can then run for this seat.

I urge this group to be transparent and ethical and rename themselves the Downey Republican Former Mayors Coalition. Stop lying and confusing residents. Stop dividing us.

Guillermo Rodarte