Letter to the Editor: Our country has come a long way

Dear Editor:

I wanted to reply to the letter titled "Our Country’s Priorities" written by Colin Clarke. I cannot change one’s opinion on certain issues, however, I can educate and teach others. 

Now when President Trump used the slogan "Make America Great Again," critics attacked by saying this country is not great and is a mess. Though the opinion written by Mr. Clarke doesn't reference Trump, it references that people must stop saying this country is great. 

First, you must separate the terms “great” and “perfect” aside from each other. America is not perfect nor is any country. Yet we are great aside from many countries across the globe. Why are we great? Because we continue to push forward and change into a just society. 

People have fought for gay and lesbian rights, making sure they have the right to marry those they love. The civil rights movements sparked many movements from the oppressed groups of this country such as the United Farmers, the Chicano Movements, and the Deaf President Now movement in Gallaudet University. Pro-life movements have been seen across the country fighting for the unborn. These groups in turn made such an impact in our society. 

Yes, we must improve in many areas, but to do so we must acknowledge that these problems will continue to cease. Acknowledging this can solve the issues. 

If we were not a great country, then why is it people risk all they have in their countries to come here both illegally and legally? Because this country is one of the most powerful and great nations.

Richard Mungia

OpinionStaff Report