Letter to the Editor: No new taxes

Dear Editor:

The Downey Unified School District just sent out a survey asking those of us who own homes/buildings in Downey if we would be willing to pay more in property taxes with the promise that it would give “our kids” a better education.

I’m surprised that within that survey they didn’t disclose that 25% of the students attending DUSD don’t even live in the city of Downey. In fact, our current superintendent actively tries to “recruit” kids from surrounding cities to come to school in Downey.

If the DUSD is really in need of more money; then maybe they should look at why 25% of the student population doesn’t live in Downey or pay any property taxes in Downey.

Also, if they are in such need of money, then possibly the superintendent could quit spending thousands of dollars a year for “motivational speakers” for the DUSD staff. Cut that 25% of students that don’t belong in Downey and cut the ridiculous amount of money wasted on “motivational speakers’ and the DUSD will have a great start with “new found money”.

It’s time our local government lives within their means. Say “no” to new taxes.

Andrew Henins

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