Letter to the Editor: New mascot isn't any better

Dear Editor:

Congratulations to the Downey Unified School District for changing the name of Griffiths Middle School’s mascot from the generic Indian to the sacred Thunderbird, honored by most American Indian tribes in their rituals.

Britannica.com has defined the Thunderbird thusly: “In North American Indian mythology, a powerful spirit in the form of a bird. By its work, the earth was watered and vegetation grew. Lightning was believed to flash from its beak, and the beating of its wings was thought to represent the rolling of thunder.”

It’s hard to believe that the DUSD would adopt one of the most sacred Native American’s symbols to use as a mascot for one of our middle schools. What were they thinking? Wouldn’t it have been better to just leave the Indian alone? 

Seems like a case of religious intolerance of our Native Americans.

Donald Souza

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