Letter to the Editor: Mazen the best choice for Cerritos College

Dear Editor:

Locally, this election is especially important as communities come together to select candidates to represent us in Washington, Sacramento, our City Councils, Water Districts, Boards of Education, and the Board of Trustees at Cerritos College. As a former member of the Board of Trustees for 21 years, it is with great privilege that I endorse Mazen Nabulsi for the Cerritos College Board of Trustees.

Mazen Nabulsi is a candidate running for my old seat on the college board. I first met Maz in the early 1990’s when I was Mayor of Norwalk and Mazen was then President of the Associated Student Body at Cerritos College. I also had the pleasure of serving with him on the Board of Directors for the Cerritos College Foundation where he sat as the Chairperson for two years.

Mazen is a jewel in the crown of the numerous success stories of students that attended college at Cerritos. I have seen Maz complete his education and today he is an attorney specializing in real estate matters. For 30 years, he has continued to volunteer and serve Cerritos College and all of its endeavors, something that no other candidate can claim..

As a member of the College Board I know that Mazen will represent us with great pride and distinction. He will always put students first while looking out for the best interest of our college. He will be visible in our communities, support our local K-12 school districts, and champion a safe return of students to the campus when this pandemic (we are struggling through) allows for it.

I urge you to join me in voting for Mazen “Maz” Nabulsi to the Cerritos College Governing Board for Area #1.

Bob Arthur

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