Letter to the Editor: Fireworks

Dear Editor:

With the Fourth of July nearing, Phantom Fireworks encourages its friends and customers to be considerate of your neighbors when using state legal fireworks. We often get too caught up in the excitement and entertainment of the beautiful fireworks that we forget the noise and lights may have an adverse effect on some people and animals.

Phantom Fireworks asks you to be courteous to your neighbors. Communicate with them. Notify your neighbors before using your fireworks to allow them to prepare themselves and to enjoy your show.

Phantom also asks that you respect your neighbor’s property. Keep the area where you are using your fireworks open and away from your neighbor’s property to prevent accumulation of fireworks remains in their area. When the show is over, clean up your fireworks debris, particularly any that ends up on your neighbor’s property or in the street.

Firework safety is crucial. Always have a ready source of water close by in case of emergencies. Maintain plenty of distance between the site where you light the fireworks and spectators and buildings. It is very important to honor a curfew. Generally professional shows end by 11 pm. Please respect your neighbors by ending at a reasonable time.

Phantom reminds you to follow the law and apply common sense. Read the firework safety tips provided by Phantom to understand the performance and hazards associated with the item. Phantom wants you to be safe, have fun and enjoy your Fourth of July.

Bill Weimer
Phantom Fireworks

Dear Editor:

Every night now there are explosions in Downey as though we’re living in a war zone.

What difference does it make whether fireworks are illegal or not if our extremely expensive police force fails to enforce the law?

Craig Paup

OpinionStaff Report