The Downey Patriot

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Letter to the Editor: Does Judge Napolitano understand the Constitution?

Dear Editor: 

Judge Andrew Napolitano is at it again (January 14, 2021). 

His devotion to Libertarianism has clouded his thinking. And his worship at the altar of Libertarianism has allowed his pen to flow with errors and double speak. 

He first writes that every person should be permitted to do anything they want. He even believes the Constitution gives him that right. He has been blinded by his Libertarian beliefs.  

Before we had a Constitution in the United States, we had the Articles of Confederation. This document contained many of the Judge’s Libertarian beliefs. Guess what, Judge. It didn’t work! The Constitution was written specifically to address the Laissez-faire attitudes of those who thought like Judge Napolitano.  

The Judge begins his double speak when he writes that any person should be able to do whatever they want, then adds, except when it interferes with another person’s rights. Judge! That is the whole point!  

A united people must have rules. Rules that encourage actions that enhance the greater good, and rules that discourage actions that are harmful to the greater good. Even school children have an understanding of this. 

Do you, Judge Napolitano? You are smarter than a fifth grader … aren’t  you? 

Richard Daggett