The Downey Patriot

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Letter to the Editor: Dirty politics

Dear Editor:

Politics can be dirty, we all know this. But I am surprised how dirty our local City Council race has become. It's sad and so unnecessary.

We have some great people running for City Council but one candidate, Frine Medrano (District 3), is trying to gain votes by lying to Downey residents.

She published and distributed flyers claiming her opponent, Rick Rodriguez, has stolen money from the city, a claim that is accompanied by a doctored photo of Mr. Rodriguez with a large pile of cash. She further claims that Rick, a Downey resident for 30 years, does not live in the city.

She states no proof of course. And she knows these are lies, but anything goes I guess when it comes to a council seat in Downey.

Many residents have asked her via her campaign Facebook page what has she done for the city prior to the election, and how she has given back. Her answer to those questions was to delete the questions from her page and ban those who asked the question.

To take the time to have flyers printed, handed and mailed out all to attack an opponent with flat out lies is despicable, and shows her true character.

Is this the person we want on our City Council?

Medrano is supported by California state senators Tony Mendoza and Kevin De Leon. I think we should also question their motivation to put Medrano on the Downey Council.

She has never been involved with the city in any positive way. She could not be more unqualified to be a on the Downey Council.

Dirty deceptive politics have come to Downey. But the voters have the final word. Let's keep Downey respectful on voting day.

John Zander