Letter to the Editor: Despite high cost of living, California still a desirable place to live

Dear Editor:

California and Texas are two of the largest states in the United States but the cost of living can vary significantly. One factor that contributes to California outstripping the rest of America in almost every economic area is due to having a high cost of living in comparison to other states.
With jobs continuously moving to other states, California’s population continues to grow.
California’s economy is fundamentally healthy and strong. California ranks in the top five states with growing percentages of jobs while Texas ranks in 20th.
Evidently, California is superior to Texas and every other state in America. The “Golden State” is the home of diverse immigration populations, numerous career opportunities and the best weather near the Pacific Ocean coastline.
Vanessa Torres, Erika Unruh, Cristina Pinedo, Ryan Nguyen
(The authors of this letter are Master of Social Work candidates Cal State Long Beach; Erika and Vanessa are Downey residents)

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