Letter of Congrats

Dear Editor:Congratulations to The Downey Patriot on attaining "newspaper of general circulation" status; and to Jennifer DeKay-Givens, the publisher, for bringing it about. It is another bright growth milestone in a very valuable and much appreciated asset of our community. Let me also take this opportunity to commend the Patriot for its ongoing internship program. These young people will come to appreciate the time spent in the program. We look forward to the new interns showing us their stuff in the pages of the Patriot as the previous interns have contributed in making the Patriot an even better community newspaper. Did you know that the late Sen. Ted Kennedy did an internship with the Boston Herald? Congratulations again! -Harold Tseklenis, Downey

********** Published: September 4, 2009 - Volume 8 - Issue 20

NewsEric Pierce