Law enforcement course a success, DUSD says

DOWNEY - Police Chief Roy Campos was honored by the Downey Unified School District's Board of Education on Tuesday in commemoration of the department's success in a 1-year-old law enforcement course at Downey High School.Campos was presented a plaque by Phil Davis, director of support programs, career and technical education at DUSD. Davis and Downey High School Principal Tom Houts conceived the idea of a law enforcement course last year. After receiving the support of Campos, the district lured 35-year Downey Police Department veteran Steve Guthrie out of retirement. "Steve was hired in late August," Davis said. "As I remember it, Tom and I met with Steve about a week before school started and discussed our idea. Steve was immediately interested and excited by the idea and the challenge. "He then asked, 'When do you see this starting?' to which I replied, 'Next week!' Steve's excitement turned into a ton of questions and some possible apprehension." According to Davis, the law enforcement course features numerous guest speakers, tours of the police department, hand-on experience, and practice with video and equipment. In presenting the plaque, Davis thanked Campos and Guthrie, Saturday teacher Officer Kevin Kendall, and Cpl. Wayne Raymond (traffic enforcement), Officer Chris Kurtz (gange enforcement), Deborah Krueck (forensics), Cpls. Garth Boggs and Terrance Goeckner (recruitment and tours), Sgt. Miller and Cpl Torres with SEAACA, Sgt. Phil Santevens and Cpl. Cook with the Los Angeles Sheriff's Department, retired Downey Police Chief John Finch for tours of the Orange County Sheriff's Department, and the Downey Police Officers' Association and Fraternal Order of Police (Downey Lodge No. 20) for financial support. Jennifer Boose The Board also heard a presentation by Superintendent Wendy Doty honoring classified employee Jennifer Boose with the Superintendent's Vision Award in the area of environment. Boose began her career at DUSD in 1991 and was promoted in 2000 to assistant to the superintendent and Board of Education. "People don't really realize how important it is to the smooth functioning of the district to keep everyone in their roles," Doty said in her remarks. "By that I mean that just as the Board avoids micromanaging district issues and refers them to me, I avoid micromanaging school issues and, as much as possible, refer them back to the schools. "Jennifer is critical to this process and absolutely sets the tone for the district in the area of environment." Catherine Pecka Also receiving the Superintendent's Award in the area of Environment was administrative secretary for instructional services Catherine Pecka. Honoring her was Jerilyn King-Brown, assistant superintendent for instructional services. "(Pecka) is very professional, efficient, organized, loyal and a great proofreader," said King-Brown, who has worked with Pecka for more than five years. "However, it's not for these qualities that she is being recognized. She is being recognized for her skills working with a variety of people. Some are upset. Some are in tears. Some are going full volume, and others are just confused. These could be parents, members of the community, principals, co-administrators and others." King-Brown called Pecka "a great listener - a skill required for her position." "Most times she is able to lend a sympathetic ear and direct the person on the phone back to the school site or appropriate office," King-Brown said. "Our office gets calls when parents are upset with teachers, yet they haven't talked to the teacher. Parents call when they feel that their child has been treated unfairly, yet they haven't talked to the principal. On occasion, we even get calls when the school buses are late." In other action, the Board of Education: •Accepted several gifts and donations, including a 2004 World Book Encyclopedia and Leap Frog Learning System for use at Alameda Elementary School, from Friends of the Downey City Library; $3,000 to be used for field trips at Lewis Elementary, from the Lewis Elementary School PTA; $101.16 from United Way and $100 from Wells Fargo Foundation, to be used for instructional purposes at Rio Hondo Elementary; $267.92 from Target, $250 from Gallatin Dental Group, and $100 from Smart & Final to be used for instructional purposes at Williams Elementary; $1,000 for the band program at Sussman Middle School, from an anonymous donor; one trombone and one French horn to be used by the music program at Sussman Middle School, from Stephen Lamphear; $100 from Lucia Francis, to help pay for the water purchased by Williams Elementary during last year's water crisis; and several other cash donations from local residents and organizations. •Approved the requests from 10 DUSD staff members seeking to attend conferences, and authorized the payment of registration fees. •Approved the principal and athletic directors of Downey and Warren high schools as representatives to the San Gabriel Valley League. •Authorized the Payroll Department to withhold sums for 2009-10 fiscal year, without charge, from pay warrants of both certificated and classified personnel when directed to do so by the employee. •Authorized DUSD membership in a variety of organizations. •Authorized Downey Adult School membership in a variety of organizations. •Approved several purchase orders prepared by the Purchasing Department. •Ratified the issuance of payroll orders for hourly, overtime, and civic center work performed by classified, Adult School and Food Services personnel for the month of April '09. •Ratified several purchases or obligations incurred by law or district policy for the month of May. •Ratified an agreement between Downey Adult School and Elite Dental Care to furnish practical experience to students enrolled in the dental assistant program. •Ratified similar agreements between Downey Adult School and Newport Healthy Smiles, Pacific Dental Services, Village Dental of Mustafa Bilal, Dr. Roy Egari, Dr. Ruben Ramirez, San Martin De Porres Medical Clinic and Whittier Family Medical Center. •Ratified the Student Field Placement Agreement with Cal State Long Beach. •Ratified the Student Teaching Agreement with Western Governors University, effective May 14, 2009. •Approved an agreement between DUSD and School Services of California. •Approved an agreement with the SFSPac Food Services Safety and Sanitation Program. •Ratified a Los Angeles County Office of Education (LACOE) contract for Supplemental Services Student Support Services. •Approved a LACOE license contract for use of personal computer software products for district use. •Approved a LACOE contract for participation in the School Court Liaison Program. •Adopted the Los Angeles County Plan for Expelled Students, which "addresses the needs of expelled pupils" and offers alterative educational program. •Awarded a $100,000 bid for the purchase of pipe and plumbing supplies to Golden West Pipe & Supply of Downey and Ontario Winnelson of Rancho Cucamonga. Awarded a $56,430 bid for the printing and delivering of Downey Adult School's schedule of classes (09-10) to Castle Pacific Industries of Irvine. •Approved a revised purchase order for snack food items in the increased amount of $33,500. •Approved a revised purchase order for processed food products in the increased amount of $8,000. •Approved a revised purchase order for frozen food items in the increased amount of $33,500. •Approved a revised purchase order for processed chicken in the increased amount of $9,000. •Approved a revised purchase order for beef and pork products in the increased amount of $10,000. •Approved a revised purchase order for "education evaluation services" by Goodwill in the increased amount of $3,000. •Approved a revised purchase order for student transportation services in the increased amount of $90,000. •Approved a revised purchase order for a therapy assistant in the Special Education Department in the increased amount of $10,000. •Approved a revised purchase order for the mailing of Downey Adult School brochures by StormForce Marketing in the increased amount of $5,500. •Approved a revised purchase order for a new library and plumbing work at Warren High School in the increased amount of $8,192. •Approved a revised purchase order for a new classroom at Downey High School in the increased amount of $21,334. •Approved a second revised purchase order for a new classroom at Downey High School in the increased amount of $292,726. •Approved a revised purchase order for modernization work at Warren High School in the increased amount of $99,078. •Reduced the retention amount being held for a fire sprinklers bid against a bid for Warren High School's new library from 10% to 5%. •Accepted as complete miscellaneous electrical work by Spike Electric Anaheim. •Accepted as complete roof repairs and asbestos abatement at Warren High School. •Accepted as complete fencing work done by McCullah Fence Co. of Bell Gardens. •Accepted as complete various paving and repair projects by Terra Pave of Whittier. •Accepted as complete concrete repairs by 3D Concrete of Downey. Approved the adjustment of the 2008-09 General Fund unrestricted budget to reflect a decrease of $2.73 million. •Approved the adjustment of the 2008-09 General Fund restricted budget to reflect an increase of $2.83 million. •Approved the adjustment of the 2008-09 Downey Adult School Fund unrestricted budget to reflect an increase of $168,346; the restricted budget reflected an increase of $159,322. •Approved the adjustment of the 2008-09 Deferred Maintenance Fund restricted budget to reflect a decrease of $71,189. •Approved the adjustment of the 2008-09 Self Insurance Fund unrestricted budget to reflect an increase of $17,925. •Approved the adjustment of the 2008-09 Self Insurance Workers Compensation Fund unrestricted budget to reflect an increase of $400,000. •Approved the adjustment of the 2008-09 Self Insurance Health and Welfare Fund unrestricted budget to reflect a decrease of $719,000. •Approved the sale of DUSD surplus property, with revenue going to the Food Services Fund. •Acknowledged receipt of and then denied a claim by Cecilia Martinez. •Approved routine personnel items (teacher assignments and relocations) until subsequent action is taken by the Board. •Authorized the service of a speech and language pathologist. •Approved the abolishment of 45 classified (non-teaching) positions, effective June 30. The positions include 19 instructional assistants (bilingual/biliterate), 12 instructional assistants, nine senior instructional assistants, three intermediate clerical assistants, one instructional assistant (bilingual/oral) and one senior instructional assistant (behaviorally challenged). •Ratified the establishment of one new position with duties corresponding to the current classification of senior instructional assistant, to be assigned to Downey High School. The assistant will work 6 1/2 hours per day, 10 months per year, at a salary of $2,582 - $3,137 per month. •Ratified the establishment of one new position with duties corresponding to the current classification of senior instruction assistant (behaviorally challenged), to be assigned to Griffiths Middle School. The assistant will work 6 1/2 hours per day, 10 months per year, at a salary of $2,709 - $3,297 per month. •Ratified the establishment of one new limited-term position with duties corresponding to the current classification of senior instructional assistant (behaviorally challenged), to be assigned to Rio San Gabriel School. The assistant will work 5 1/2 hours per day at a salary of $15.63 •Ratified the establishment of one new limited-term position with duties corresponding to the current classification of intermediate clerical assistant, to be assigned to the Student Information System Department. The assistant will work four hours per day at a salary of $15.63 per hour. •Authorized federal revenues for child nutrition to be expended initially on classified salaries and benefits. •Authorized an annual delegation of administrative authority to process routine budget revisions, adjustments and transfers. •Approved the Memorandum of Understanding with the California State Employees Association (CSEA) Chapters 248 746 regarding temporary suspension of Article VI - Renegotiations. •Declared that as a result of financial uncertainties, negotiations, legislation and other factors, all management including superintendent, assistant superintendents, and other unrepresented employee salaries are indefinite for 09-10. •Approved high school algebra textbooks for the 09-10 school year. •Approved numerous waivers for student petitions. •And took action on numerous student cases (individual expulsion cases are heard in closed session). The next regular meeting of the Downey Board of Education will be held June 30 at 9 a.m. at the Gallegos Administration Building, 11627 Brookshire Ave., in Downey.

********** Published: June 12, 2009 - Volume 8 - Issue 8

NewsEric Pierce