Lack of wi-fi

Dear Editor:I hope whoever takes over as librarian at the Downey City Library makes it a priority to install wi-fi capabilities for the residents who use laptops and netbooks. ("Librarian, Deputy City Clerks Announce Retirements,"‚Äà9/2/10) I believe it is embarrassing that our library does not have wi-fi. Even Starbucks and Coffee Bean have wi-fi. So does Marie Callenders. Our library should have wi-fi as well. It would help students like myself who would like to do their homework at the library after school. If I‚Äàhave to, I would not mind paying a reasonable fee for the service either. Thank you for the consideration. -- Eduardo Silva, Downey

********** Published: September 9, 2010 - Volume 9 - Issue 21

OpinionStaff Report