Lack of elections

Dear Editor:I am not a political animal but it saddened me to learn that people have lost interest about serving on the school board in Downey and other cities. ("Downey School Board Cancels Election," 9/1/11) I know that the current members of the Board of the Downey School District are doing a fine job and for that reason no one thought it wise to run against them and face defeat. However, one of these days these individuals may want to do something else, or they may retire or move. When that happens here are some suggestions which I hope the next board candidate would use as his platform for the election. 1. Eliminating financial illiteracy. Many of our country's current problems are due to the lack of financial knowledge. The schools would implement a curriculum which would teach about savings, the stock market, the magic of compounding, budgeting, et al. 2. Introducing practical languages. We live in a global society. The teaching of Chinese should be a top priority followed by Spanish as a closed second. 3. On-line teaching. Certain subjects lend themselves very well for on-line teaching. The technology could save some money which could be applied in other areas. 4. Teaching of the 4Rs. In addition to teaching Reading, Riting and Rithmetic I think there is a need to teach Respect. At the Warren football game last Friday I observed many students who did not stand up during the playing of the national anthem. I demanded and got the ones around me to stand up but there were many others too far from me so I could not influence them. Obviously their parents have not taught them respect so it is now up to the schools to cover this basic requirement. 5. Gifted Students programs. The school should spend in their gifted students the same amount of money they spend in their special education children. The future of the country depends more on what our gifted students will do in the future than in any other factor and it behooves us to help them achieve their true potential with better nutrition, specialized tutoring and advanced classes and research. 6. Vocational education. Not everyone has the ability or desire to attend a higher learning institution. The value of a college degree has depreciated during these dire economic times with many recent college graduates not able to find a job. Society also needs, electricians, plumbers, carpenters, bakers, et al. Many students would appreciate the opportunity to prepare for the real world with a marketable skill. When a candidate for the school board appears with an innovative platform I promise him/her my support. -- Jorge Montero, Downey

********** Published: September 08, 2011 - Volume 10 - Issue 21

OpinionStaff Report