Joshua Whittle

Dear EditorI just read your article about the tragic death of Marine Lance Cpl. Joshua Whittle. ("Downey Marine Killed in Action," 6/12/09) This baby was born in 1989, and we have killed him already! I feel only sadness and disgust. For what purpose did this Marine die in that foreign land? The Afghan people don't want us there - if we are trying to defeat them it won't happen. The Russians tried for 10 years and left in disgrace and defeat, not to mention the British years before. I doubt if the Taliban are interested in reaching U.S. shores anytime soon or ever. The death of Joshua is just one more waste of a young life for nothing. Think about the 5,000 in Iraq…why? Is it not about time we take care of our own country, goodness knows we have our own problems. We have now wasted trillions and intend to spend more and more in Afghanistan before this is over - if it ever will be. - Harence Peterson, Downey

********** Published: June 19, 2009 - Volume 8 - Issue 9

OpinionStaff Report