Jobs, jobs, jobs

Dear Editor:I am writing regarding a letter sent last week asking why the Downey City Council and the City of Downey is so aggressively working with Tesla Motors to have them build their manufacturing plant in our fine city. (Letters to the Editor, 2/5/10) There are many reasons but first and foremost the answer is jobs, jobs and more jobs. Tesla will create between 1,200 and 4,000 new high paying, high tech manufacturing jobs in our city and region. Jobs mean quality of life and public safety and more revenue for our city and citizens. Something our city is known for and will continue to work towards for our citizens. We created over 4000 new jobs in Downey last year without Tesla and we need to continue to work hard to create more. Financially this is a great opportunity for our city in many ways and we are excited about the technology and advances and benefits they bring to our community. Our staff and council have worked very hard and we are looking forward to having Tesla in Downey. We work with them on a daily basis and are very happy with our relationship. This is the right deal, at the right time, at the right place. Downey and Tesla share a vision of what can be and we expect the greenest manufacturing plant in North America. With many jobs and revenues to our city. Downey is a very special place and our history and legacy of the historical buildings at Downey Studios will continue with the technological advances a company like Tesla represents. I welcome the opportunity to discuss with anyone what is happening and why. Feel free to email me at city hall at if you have any more questions or call me on my personal cell at (562) 706-4114. All my best. - Dn. Mario Guerra, Councilman, City of Downey

********** Published: February 12, 2010 - Volume 8 - Issue 43

OpinionStaff Report