Jobs in Downey

Dear Editor:I was raised in Downey, my husband was born and raised in Downey, and we are raising our children here. We go to church, shop, work and play in Downey. But as with many people in today's economy, I'm in the position of needing a job. In today's tough job market an opportunity for employment should generate some excitement. That's what I thought before I started applying for the few job openings I was able to find throughout Downey and its surrounding cities. I've applied at the major retailers like Macy's and Penney's but have been turned away because of no retail experience. I've also done just about all the online job seeking websites. My frustration is that in the months that I have been on the job search circuit, I've seen new establishments opening in our city, but there have been no "Help Wanted" signs in the windows. And those that do have signs refer me to their websites which don't even list a Downey location as an option. It's very discouraging that employment opportunities with all these new places that are (and soon will be) opening in Downey are not made available to residents of our city. With all the hubbub of bringing businesses here, why are the residents not given an opportunity to be a part of that growth? If we get jobs outside the city, our shopping dollars may be going there as well as we run our errands at lunchtime or right after work. As concerned as the city is about bringing in new business, I think Downey should be concerned about the stability of its residents by making sure that new businesses advertise their staffing needs first within the city so that Downey residents are given first crack at all these new jobs. Amy Fiala Downey

********** Published: August 09, 2012 - Volume 11 - Issue 17

OpinionStaff Report