Illegal signs

Dear Editor:Thanks to City Editor Eric Pierce for a great article regarding code enforcement officers beginning a push for compliance of these signs in the city ("City to Crack Down on Illegal Signs," 5/29/09). A big problem in Downey is proliferation of illegally posted signs on power poles, walls and other locations. When these signs are posted, they often remain displayed for days and weeks. In addition to being illegal, they are unsightly. People posting these signs, if caught, are subject to heavy fines. Signs posted by city or government agencies should not be removed. Since we have a limited number of code enforcement officers, each of us should consider removing these signs. When taking morning walks, this writer cuts them off. Clear plastic tape is wrapped around most of them, so using a sharp knife they can quickly be cut off and deposited in a trash can. Some are nailed to wooden power poles and they can easily be removed. When you pass one of these signs, don't think the other guy will remove it - you are the other guy. - Byron Dillon, Downey

********** Published: June 5, 2009 - Volume 8 - Issue 7

OpinionStaff Report