Illegal immigrants

Dear Editor: After reading the articles of Congresswomen Lucille Roybal-Allard (“Protect Parents of DREAMers from Deportation,” 11/27/14) and Linda Sanchez (“Executive Action is Bold Step in Right Direction,” 11/27/14), it is obvious that they and the Democratic caucus never learned the definition of “illegal” nor whom they were elected to serve.

Also, we have Hispanic and black caucuses, but Caucasians are left out.

It appears the above have no agenda but to represent the Hispanic illegals. They do not pay attention to our laws, nor do they care as does our Emperor Obama.

Roybal-Allard mentions one young lady has been accepted at Harvard to be a doctor – one out of the 11-20 million. She says they are the best and brightest. Wouldn’t it be nice if some of the brightest would go back to Mexico and help their own? Most of our doctors are imported so we can get them more cheaply.

The suggestion I have so as not to break up families would be to send all back together.

Betty Logan




Published: Dec. 18, 2014 - Volume 13 - Issue 36

OpinionStaff Report