Ill-conceived proposals

Dear Editor:This has got to be one of the most ill-conceived proposals I have ever read. ("Perfitt Reiterates Goals for Downtown," 2/13/09) I grew up in the northeast United States in the 1950s and '60s in a nice, quiet, peaceful community, very much like Downey. Property values were stable, and increased yearly. Our city planners were aware of the carrying capacity of the area. Our water supply, sewage removal and processing capacity, along with our roads and public facilities, were operating at maximum capacity. Law enforcement had a handle on what little crime took place in the communities. In other words, things were under control. In the mid 1960s there were similar proposals to put in "high-density" housing in commercial areas. It was not a good idea then either, but city councils did not know, or did not care, what the environmental impact would have on the existing communities. The plans were pushed through, and as a result, some of the most undesirable elements of society took advantage of this cheap, high-density housing. Property values plummeted, and the well-established decent population couldn't move out fast enough, leaving vacancy after vacancy in the communities where the good people abandoned their homes. Crime in these areas shot through the roof - there were burglaries, car thefts, assaults, murders, and a rapid increase in drug dealing. The psychological effect on those who were left behind was obvious. All of these areas rapidly became the worst areas in this country, and it persists to this day. Overpopulation, high crime, and extremely high-density left the northeast devastated. Don't forget, once these high-density dwellings are established, they are nearly impossible to get rid of, and it will undoubtedly spell the death of Downey as we know it. I implore the citizens and government of Downey to fight these proposals. We do not want to see our homes become nearly worthless. We do not want to turn Downey into the next ghetto. This proposal is ill-conceived, reckless, and just plain stupid. Just look at some of the surrounding communities with high-density housing. Is that what we want for our beautiful and safe Downey? I don't think so. Just who do you think is going to flood into Downey if these proposals go through? - Jonathan Brownlee, Downey ********** Published: February 27, 2009 - Volume 7 - Issue 45

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