The Downey Patriot

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Hospital's land value

Dear Editor:I found it very ironic to read the article regarding the value of the property where Downey Regional Medical Center sits ("DRMC, City Disagree on Land Value," 3/31/11). This issue has been in my husband's family for years. His family owned a market and house on part of that land. They and other families were forced by eminent domain to sell their homes and businesses to the city of Downey. They had to take whatever price they were given for their properties. The landowners retained a lawyer, but they still ended up having to give their homes and businesses for less than what they were worth. Being a Downey resident, I'm glad to see the city has finally realized the true value of the property. I see lots of pictures of contributors to the hospital in the lobby, but I don't see any of the people who sacrificed the most. The families whose lives were changed by having to sell their property, homes and businesses for whatever amount they were given, regardless of the true value. I consider them to be the highest contributors to Downey Regional. -- Jeanette Velasco, Downey

********** Published: April 7, 2011 - Volume 9 - Issue 51