Honoring Our Veterans – Different, But Still Important

Rep. Lucille Roybal-Allard at a veterans breakfast event in Paramount in 2018. (Courtesy photo)

Rep. Lucille Roybal-Allard at a veterans breakfast event in Paramount in 2018. (Courtesy photo)

On this Veterans Day, amid the COVID-19 pandemic and under circumstances far different from any we have had in the past, we remember with deep respect and gratitude the service and sacrifice of our veterans and their families from California’s 40th Congressional District and across our nation.   

To help prevent the spread of the virus, traditional celebrations in which Americans of all ages, genders, races, and creeds show their sincere appreciation for our veterans will take a very different form in this time of isolation and social distancing. Sadly, we won’t hear the supportive sound of horns from vintage cars or watch a parade filled with dignified veterans marching in uniform and smiling at children on the sidewalk waving American flags. This year family gatherings with of our veterans and loved ones of the Armed Forces around the kitchen table or at a barbeque may not even be possible. With recognition for the pain and frustration this health crisis has caused, I most sincerely thank all who have done their part to protect the health and safety of their family, friends and our communities.

As the daughter of a World War II veteran, wife of a Vietnam War veteran and Marine officer, and stepmother of an Iraq War veteran, I yearn for the traditions of the past. Likewise, as a U.S. Representative proud to serve California’s 40th Congressional District, I have hope for the future and a deep pride in the patriotic, courageous, hardworking, and resilient people I represent who sent me to Congress to fight for them and the American ideals and freedoms for which our veterans fought and sacrificed. These ideals are being put to the test like never before with the tragic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. That is why, on behalf of my constituents and all our veterans, I was proud to cast my vote in favor of the CARES Act to provide nearly $20 billion to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to give the care and resources our veterans have earned and deserve, including urgent health care for those veterans who contracted COVID-19 and those veterans at the highest risk of contracting the virus. The CARES ACT also provided hundreds of millions of dollars for VA first responders to help veterans and communities, including homeless veterans and elderly veterans living in VA nursing homes. 

I am also proud to have voted to support the Heroes Act, which authorized VA healthcare for all veterans who lost their health insurance due to the COVID-19 pandemic and streamlined payments of emergency care claims to community providers. The Heroes Act also increased by 25 percent aid and personal care funding for veterans and caregivers. And finally, the Act provided additional support for homeless veterans and their children. It is my hope the Senate will finally pass the updated House Democrats’ Heroes Act, to deliver critical funding needed to help our veterans, their families, and caregivers, who this year are facing even greater unforeseen challenges. 

I know full well it is hard to look to the future with hope. Like war, the COVID-19 pandemic has taken and injured thousands of our loved ones. Further, it has weakened our economy and devastated the livelihood of families and community businesses. This harsh reality makes today’s Veterans Day even more important than ever. It is not only a reminder of the courage and sacrifices made by our veterans, it is also a reminder that we Americans have the strength, perseverance and ability to meet successfully any challenge regardless of how daunting it may be. By working together and following the advice of our health experts, we can and will defeat the COVID-19 virus. 

Veterans Day reminds us that freedom and democracy are not free and can be easily taken away if not nourished, protected, and yes, cherished. This is true more today than ever. In our country, divisiveness, hatred, oppression, and intolerance have raised their ugly heads to threaten our democracy and our American values which our brave veterans have valiantly risked their lives to protect.  

Regardless of party affiliation, racial and ethnic background, or gender, I believe by working together as Americans we have the power to triumph over injustice and to protect the freedoms and principles for which America stands and leads the world. Our victory begins by building a broad foundation of mutual respect for and understanding of each other by listening to different ideas and perspectives. It begins by finding the common ground we have as Americans to strengthen and protect our democracy and to ensure the sacrifices of our veterans were not made in vain.  

If we work together as Americans, I am positive we will be victorious against any virus or challenge to our democracy, values, and way of life enabling us to continue to be the greatest country in the world.

May God continue to bless our veterans, our troops, our military families, and the United States of America.

Congresswoman Lucille Roybal-Allard represents California’s 40th District, which contains the communities of Bell, Bell Gardens, Commerce, Cudahy, Downey, Huntington Park, Maywood, Paramount, Vernon, and parts of Bellflower, East Los Angeles, Florence-Firestone, and South Los Angeles.