Hidden danger

Dear Editor:I just read "One Change" on page 2 of "One Person's Trash" issued by the city of Downey regarding the use of CFL) fluorescent bulbs, referred to as "twisty bulbs." There are a few facts that were left out of the article. The initial cost of $20 to $40 isn't bad enough, which they say we will make up in lower electricity use. What they didn't tell us is how dangerous it is if you break one. The instructions are to evacuate the room immediately, open all windows and don't go back in for 15 minutes or so. Then put on rubber gloves, sweep any mercury on a card and place it in an air-tight glass jar. Any small amount of mercury remaining should be picked up by putting tape face down to pick up small pieces and place those in the jar also. Then, if on carpet, cut out the contaminated area and place in the jar. Take this to a place (who knows where) that accepts it and remain out of the house for a couple of hours. Doesn't that make you excited about this new light bulb? Of course, they have closed the business that made the incandescent bulbs and the "twisty lights" are made in China - not the U.S. Just what we need: more of our jobs outsourced. I would rather replace an incandescent bulb that cut a hole in my carpet and deal with the danger. -- Elsa Van Leuven, Downey

********** Published: January 13, 2011 - Volume 9 - Issue 39

OpinionStaff Report