Hefty salaries

Dear Editor:According to recent newspaper reports this week, Gov. Jerry Brown appointed six L.A. County Superior Court judges, all of whom had no previous judging experience. These judges will have a starting salary of $178,789 plus plenty of thousands of dollars worth of perks. A salary of this amount should be unacceptable in this economy. Soon there will be no taxpayers left to pay these exorbitant paychecks. Also reported this week were his automatic cuts. More cuts to the University of California and Cal State University. Most of the cuts involve the poor, including in-home services, juvenile justice, child care assistance, libraries, Medi-Cal, community colleges and more. Something is not evening out here. Gov. Brown should go to the unions and change these salary guidelines. -- Dee Simpson, Downey

********** Published: January 5, 2012 - Volume 10 - Issue 38

OpinionStaff Report