Habana Cafe gets more time to fix parking lot

DOWNEY - The Habana Cafe, at risk of being referred to code enforcement for failing to repair its crumbling parking lot, was granted additional time to make the repairs on Wednesday.The Cuban restaurant and bakery at 11402 Old River School Rd. agreed to repave the parking lot in September 2009 as part of an agreement to receive a permit for live entertainment. The restaurant was granted a six-month extension in January of this year. However, property owner Duane Alstrom has been unable to secure a loan to complete the work, which is estimated to cost about $55,000, city documents show. According to a staff report, city planners do not want to pull the restaurant's live entertainment or alcohol permits, but instead recommended the issue be forwarded to code enforcement. Planners labeled the parking lot a "public nuisance." The Planning Commission on Wednesday continued the matter to a later date, giving Alstrom additional time to make the repairs.

********** Published: July 21, 2011 - Volume 10 - Issue 14

NewsEric Pierce