Graffiti removal

Dear Editor:Thanks to Jonathan Brownlee for his excellent and well-written article and photo showing Lisa Fox doing what she does so often - removing graffiti in Downey. ("Keeping Downey Beautiful and Free of Graffiti," 10/20/11) Lisa can be seen driving along in her graffiti removal truck. She stops, removes the graffiti, then moves to another location. quick removal is one of the reasons Downey has minimal graffiti problems. Studies indicate the quicker graffiti is removed, the more effective it is to prevent more of this problem. And thanks to The Downey Patriot for publishing an accompanying article. ("Kids Take It Upon Themselves to Clean Up Litter," 10/20/11). The article states that over the summer 30 select students, along with their parents, sacrificed some of their summer vacation at 7 a.m. on Saturdays and Sundays to serve their community and improve their environment. Keep Downey Beautiful coordinator Carol Rowland and Lisa Fox provided training and support as the kids spanned across the city and reported illegally-dumped items and litter cleanups. Both Fox and Rowland donated many hours of their free time on this project. Downey is fortunate to have so many people who care enough about Downey to donate their time and energy to clean our city. -- Byron Dillon, Downey

********** Published: October 27, 2011 - Volume 10 - Issue 28

OpinionStaff Report