Glorifying graffiti

Dear Editor:As a Downey resident I was appalled that such a responsible newspaper would print a story glorify the act of graffiti ("Meet Bumblebee," 3/10/11). This "Bumblebee" person, who wants to remain anonymous should be held accountable for his actions of defacing private property. If I were to go out and start painting on, let's say, the now vacant and forgotten Downey Ford dealership building, I am quite sure I would be arrested, as I should be. It's called trespassing and vandalism. But I think I could do a great job with a little paint and stencil. Any other artists out there? I hear the old Von's building on Paramount Boulevard is up for grabs. -- Diana Borzi, Downey

********** Published: March 17, 2011 - Volume 9 - Issue 48

OpinionStaff Report