Girls put aside rivalry for common cause

DOWNEY - Setting aside their tradition of rivalry, the girls' volleyball teams of Downey and Warren met on Monday for a cause more important than victory.One in every eight women develops breast cancer in her lifetime, but the remedy still remains undiscovered. In an effort to solve this problem, both Downey and Warren girls' volleyball teams spread awareness about breast cancer throughout the month of October. All proceeds from the "Dig Pink" volleyball game were dedicated to the Side-Out Foundation to help find a cure for breast cancer. "We participated in the Susan G. Komen Walk for a Cure, sold close to 500 pink shirts and 350 pink ribbons, had baskets donated to raffle off at the game, and much more," said Andrea Sims, the girls' volleyball coach at Downey. "The 'Dig Pink' event was the first Downey/Warren volleyball match in which the community came together to support both teams in an effort to raise funds for this great cause. The gym was packed with the crowd wearing pink to show their support." Even teachers participated in the goal to raise $5,000 for the Side-Out Foundation. Many of them encouraged their students to attend the game, while others went above and beyond by fundraising on their own time. "Everyone has something that they are good at, and making caramel apples was my way of contributing to the fundraising," said Linda Hanson, an English teacher who has taught at Downey for over 20 years. "Students understand that every dollar can make a difference. I spent my birthday dipping apples into caramel and chocolate chips. To my way of thinking, it was a great way to help a worthy cause." Instead of focusing on defeating the rival team, both Downey and Warren's volleyball players competed against each other with a cheerful attitude.

********** Published: October 21, 2010 - Volume 9 - Issue 27

FeaturesEric Pierce