Girl beats boys in golf tournament

DOWNEY - More than 30 junior golfers from the local area - including several from Downey - participated in the Herbie Junior Golf Series held May 26 at Los Amigos Golf Course.Samantha Rocha, the only girl in the tournament, competed against the boys and finished first in her age group. Ellis Tirado, also of Downey, finished first in his age group as well. Other Downey golfers included Rafael Russo, Jared Avalos and Adam Avalos. The tournament is held in honor of Herb Brown, who helped develop young golfers in the Los Angeles area several decades ago. It is currently organized by Los Amigos golf instructor Mike Williams. For information on future tournaments, call Mike Williams at (310) 482-9121 or go online to

********** Published: June 07, 2012 - Volume 11 - Issue 08

SportsEric Pierce