Four Downey Unified classified workers named L.A. County employees of the year
From left: John Garcia, Superintendent; Angie Rademaker, Personnel Commission member; Miguel Sanchez, Griffiths Middle School, Support Services and Security category; Nelly Salinas, Warren High School, Child Nutrition category; Jose Ramirez Rosales, Lewis and Imperial Elementary schools, Maintenance, Operations & Facilities category; and Sandra Jarquin, bus driver, Transportation category; Nancy Swenson, Board of Education President; John Kennedy, Personnel Commission member.
DOWNEY – On April 9, the Downey Unified Board of Education honored four classified (non-teaching) employees for being selected as the 2019 Los Angeles County Classified Employees of the Year.
Honorees include bus driver Sandra Jarquin, Jose Ramirez Rosales from Lewis and Imperial Elementary schools, Nelly Salinas from Warren High School, and Miguel Sanchez from Griffiths Middle School.
These four individuals, who made up four of the six people selected across the county for this award, are now nominees at the state level as California Classified Employees of the Year.
School districts across Los Angeles County were asked to nominate a non-teaching employee in six different categories/specialty areas: Child Nutrition; Maintenance, Operations and Facilities; Office and Technical; Para-Educator and Instructional Assistance; Support Services and Security; and Transportation.
With 80 school districts encompassed in LA County and only one nominee selected in each category for this county award, it is a huge fete for Downey Unified to have their employees represent more than half of the categories within this annual award, officials said.
“I am so pleased to share that Downey Unified is representing four of the six categories to compete at the state level. This is truly something to celebrate,” said Board of Education President Nancy Swenson. “Downey Unified has the best staff and this is just another example.”
Sandra Jarquin, who was nominated in the transportation category, is a school bus driver and has been an employee of Downey Unified for over 16 years. As a bus driver, Jarquin helps set the tone for a student’s day, she is the first and last person students see each day.
Through the nomination process, it was evident that she is very vigilant about her students and takes the time to know their specific needs.
“Sandra is a model school bus driver, an exemplary employee, and an ideal teammate for her coworkers,” expressed BethAnn Arko, Director of Classified HR, as she presented this award.
“When I asked the Transportation Supervisor for a few words about Sandra Jarquin, he shared ‘for the students she drives, Sandy is their safety monitor, their listening ear, their smile in the morning, the greeting of encouragement and the security of a routine that begins with a pleasant ride to school.”
Jose Ramirez Rosales, in the Maintenance, Operations and Facilities category, was nominated by Lewis Elementary School as their custodian. Rosales has been with Downey Unified for three years and recently was promoted to Utility Worker at Imperial Elementary School.
“One of the quotes entails Jose Ramirez’s drive and desire to always go above and beyond and he lives this out daily,” stated Arko as she began to read directly from Rosales’ letters of recommendation. “He truly exhibits a joy that is pure and authentic each time he’s on our campus. Jose has a humility that inspires others that are around him to be the best they can be. He puts kids first and wholeheartedly supports our teachers and staff. Thank you, Jose, for inspiring greatness and shining so bright as an ‘All-Star.’”
Nelly Salinas, Child Nutrition category, has been a Downey Unified employee since 2005 and is currently working as the Food Service Lead at Warren High School.
Salinas was featured during the California School Nutrition Association’s “I Love My Lunch Lady Contest” where students made posters and poems dedicated to her. It was shared during the award presentation that she is valued and appreciated by staff, teachers, students and parents.
“Nelly goes above and beyond by working with staff to ensure all students needs are met,” said Arko. “She is approachable and finds solutions to problems that arise. Her work performance not only meets all standards but also influences people around her to strive for better.”
Downey Unified’s final nominee was Miguel Sanchez in the Support Services and Security category. He is currently a Campus Security Assistant at Griffiths Middle School where he has been for three years.
“He attends every school event so that he is visible to our students and parents, and he enhances our school climate by providing a solid foundation for our students to feel safe and have someone they can confide in regularly,” read Arko as she shared some of the sentiments gathered by his colleagues at Griffiths.
“Whether in need of a walk or talk, the students at GMS know he will provide a sense of calming safety as they navigate their challenges and triumphs. He is a patient and compassionate leader whom the students try to emulate and who the staff members appreciate.”
As all four employees have progressed to the state level and are in the running for 2019 California Employee of the Year; the results of the state award will be released and shared with Downey Unified by the end of April or early May.