The Downey Patriot

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Former presidents urge help for Haiti

In an effort to continue to encourage Americans to support the relief efforts in Haiti, Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush appear in a new television PSA released by the Ad Council this week.In the new spot, the Presidents acknowledge the generosity of Americans following the tragedy and communicate the immediate and long-term needs in Haiti. Viewers are directed to donate to the Clinton Bush Haiti Fund (CBHF), which will help those who are most in need of food, water, shelter, medical care and support. In the aftermath of the earthquake, President Obama asked Presidents Clinton and Bush to help raise funds for the immediate relief and long-term recovery efforts in Haiti. As a result, the two Presidents established CBHF to respond to unmet needs in the country, foster economic opportunity, improve the quality of life over the long-term for those affected, and assist the people of Haiti as they rebuild their lives and "build back better." To date, CBHF has received more than 200,000 contributions. The TV spot directs viewers to visit where they can donate to CBHF through a secure online donation page. Americans can also donate by text messaging the word "QUAKE" to 20222, which will charge $10 to their cell phone bill. The PSA is available in :15, :30 and :60 formats and was filmed on Feb. 4. "In the month following the earthquake, the outpouring of donations from generous individuals all over the world has enabled organizations on the ground in Haiti to deliver much needed supplies and save countless lives," Clinton said. "But the road to recovery in Haiti has just begun, and the Clinton Bush Haiti Fund will continue to work with organizations and the people of Haiti to build back better. We hope this PSA will encourage people to give, not just today, but over the months and years to come." "President Clinton and I are grateful to all those who have made donations, large and small, to the Clinton Bush Haiti Fund," Bush said. "In the months and years ahead, we will work hard to spend the money on sound rebuilding plans that will ensure a better future for the Haitian people. We believe this PSA will encourage Americans to continue to give what they can." The Clinton Bush Haiti Fund is working with and supporting the efforts of reputable 501(c)(3) non-governmental and non-profit organizations, and Presidents Clinton and Bush oversee the CBHF through their respective nonprofit organizations, the William J. Clinton Foundation and Communities Foundation of Texas. One hundred percent of donations made to the Clinton Foundation and the Communities Foundation of Texas go directly to relief efforts. The Ad Council is distributing the PSA to television stations nationwide. Per the Ad Council's model, the PSA will air in advertising time that is donated by the media. The Ad Council distributed a television PSA featuring the Presidents shortly after the earthquake to encourage support for CBHF. Additionally, the Ad Council joined with the American Red Cross and First Lady Michelle Obama to launch television and radio PSAs featuring Mrs. Obama in support of the Red Cross' relief efforts. Furthermore, the Ad Council helped produce and distribute PSAs in partnership with Presidents George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton following the Tsunami in Southeast Asia in 2004 and Hurricane Katrina in 2005. The following companies have donated production and digital distribution services for the new PSA: GSD&M Idea City, 1080, Magno Sound & Video, DG-FastChannel Network and The AdSpot. Furthermore, the National Captioning Institute has donated their closed captioning services. Additionally, the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) and the National Cable & Telecommunications Association (NCTA) have offered their support by engaging their members and helping with PSA distribution. For more information about CBHF, visit, become a fan on Facebook at or follow the Fund on Twitter at The Ad Council ( is a private, non-profit organization with a rich history of marshalling volunteer efforts from the advertising and media industries to deliver critical messages to the American public.

********** Published: February 26, 2010 - Volume 8 - Issue 45