Football lovers wanted

Dear Editor:Since the fall of 1961, hundreds of generous, giving and knowledgeable men and women from Downey have freely donated their expertise, time and effort to coach youth football - both touch and tackle - and cheerleading. Downey Pop Warner Football is currently in the process of assembling the coaching staffs for the 2009 season. Interviews for head coaching positions will soon be conducted to fill the many positions required to staff the six tackle and cheerleading teams and several flag teams (last year, Downey Pop Warner Football fielded four flag teams). Consider becoming a Razorback coach if: You love the game of football. You want to give back to the game that gave you so much. You recognize how few experiences in life there are where you can spend time with so many people focused on a competitive goal. You enjoy the camaraderie with people you might not otherwise get to know. You enjoy emotion involved in the competition. You want to get to know the kids and enjoy watching them learn, grow and mature. You enjoy the satisfaction of achieving a common goal. Coaching can be an immensely satisfying choice, particularly today. The greater need to channel youngster's energy in a positive direction increases each year. The Razorbacks have been an extraordinarily successful youth organization, placing teams from each of their five divisions in the conference playoffs during the 2008 season and one team played in the conference championship game. The cheerleaders own several conference awards in their competition. Join the Razorbacks as a coach. Contact Louis Morales, Downey Pop Warner Football president, at (310) 350-0220, or vice president Mike Baumann at (562) 889-1183 for further information. Do it today. - Mike Baumann, Vice President, Downey Pop Warner Football ********** Published: March 6, 2009 - Volume 7 - Issue 46

Staff Report