Fireworks reaction
Dear Editor:We and our dog do not appreciate young people shooting off powerful fire crackers outside our bedroom window up until 11:47 p.m. Also, rockets and thrown sparklers can cause serious damage or fire to the roof of a house or car and should be limited to our local parks. Otherwise they constitute a serious injury or fire just waiting to happen, and it will. Without better control it's time to eliminate all fireworks in Downey. - James Hawkins, Downey
Dear Editor: [Saturday's] fireworks at Discovery Sports Complex served as a delightful alternative to the costly and dangerous fireworks at home. But perhaps next year the city will investigate the cost of renting parking at the adjacent Downey Studios movie complex. I'm fairly certain residents would have no problem paying a $1 or $2 parking fee if it means avoiding a 1-mile or 2-mile walk. - Conrad Peters, Downey
Dear Editor: Bravo to the city for a job well done Saturday with its fireworks display. My family thoroughly enjoyed the event and hope it returns next year. - Bryan Mitchell, Downey
********** Published: July 10, 2009 - Volume 8 - Issue 12