Firemen to the rescue

Dear Editor:I have lived for more than 74 years, 50 of them in the fine city of Downey. All I ever hear now is bad news and people complaining about everything. So I want to tell your readers about some good news and where you can get excellent professional treatment. On Feb. 26, I started having really bad chest pains. I have already had two heart attacks so I put nitro under my tongue two times the proper length of time, but after two hours the pain was getting worse, so my husband called 911. We needed help fast! Within minutes a bright, shiny fire truck and an ambulance drove up. The firemen were neatly uniformed, polite and got the information they needed from my husband, while another took care of me. He questioned me, examined me, and they made calls to the hospital and decided to transport me. Within minutes I was in the back of the ambulance and siren wailing, we rushed to the hospital. One guy even put an IV in my arm while speeding through Downey, and I never even got a bruise! The pain was terrible, like an elephant sitting on my chest. Arriving at the hospital I quickly had a doctor and two nurses treating me. After a few days of tests I was able to come home. I cannot thank the firemen who are so dedicated, trained and, might I add, good-looking, who work so hard every day to help all of us. Thanks, guys. -Shirley Pugh, Downey ********** Published: March 20, 2009 - Volume 7 - Issue 48

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