Fighting graffiti

Dear Editor:The thank you letter by writer Sandy Wells was interesting. ("Graffiti Removal," 6/21/12) She is correct in saying Downey has an excellent graffiti abatement program. We need only walk or drive the city streets to see how seldom graffiti is seen. The letter mentioned "a very n ice lady answered the phone." This is graffiti lead worker Lisa Fox, a very efficient person. Lisa knows these markings must be removed as soon as possible. Lisa is often seen early in the morning removing graffiti that was placed the night before. The longer it remains the more it encourages this illegal activity. When calls are made to the graffiti hotline - (562) 923-4484 - the sooner action is taken. Consider putting this number in your cell phone and your home phone so calls can be made immediately to report the location. The sooner Lisa and her coworkers know the location, the sooner they can remove it. When reporting graffiti, give the exact location so workers can quickly locate it. Byron Dillon Downey

********** Published: June 28, 2012 - Volume 11 - Issue 11

OpinionStaff Report