EPA seeks Rockwell workers

LOS ANGELES - The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is seeking former Rockwell employees who worked on nuclear and radiological projects at the now closed Santa Susan Field Lab near Los Angeles.Former employees of Atomics International and Rocketdyne are also sought as the EPA works to identify potential radiological contamination at the lab, which is being prepared for clean-up. The EPA is interested in interviewing former employees that have knowledge of spills, dumping or other types of releases of radiological material to the land, air and water. The EPA is soon planning a study of radiological contamination at the lab. Interviews will be conducted in-person with EPA representatives. To participate, contact Andrew Taylor at (415) 972-3129 or taylor.andrew@epa.gov.

********** Published: November 20, 2009 - Volume 8 - Issue 31

NewsEric Pierce