End abortion

Dear Editor:It is hard to believe that a place of business where babies in the womb can be aborted is right next door to Downey High School! ("Pro-life Supporters Plan 40 Nights of Vigils," 9/23/10) I have been seeing people in front of the abortion clinic from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. and I commend them for standing up for the unborn babies. As my daughter and I joined them I met people there from various churches in Downey, including St. Raymond, OLPH, Calvary Chapel, First Baptist, Abundant Hope, Trinity Baptist and St. Dominic Savio. We all have one thing in common: save a baby. I am proud that Downey has joined with the 40 days for life across the nation. -- Aleta Pesce, Downey

********** Published: September 30, 2010 - Volume 9 - Issue 24

OpinionStaff Report