The Downey Patriot

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DUSD now accepting kindergarten sign-ups

DOWNEY - Kindergarten Round-up, early registration for children who plan to enter a Downey Unified School in September, will be held at Downey elementary schools in May.To be eligible for kindergarten, children must be 5 years of age on or before Dec. 2, 2009. Proof of age must be presented at time of registration. Proof can be a birth certificate, baptismal certificate, or other legal document. Parents must also bring proof of residence in the district, and evidence their child has received a physical examination which must be completed after March 1, 2009. Parents must also bring their child's immunization record and ensure that their child is current on their immunizations, which include 5 DTP (four doses meet requirement if at least one was given on or after the child's fourth birthday), 4 Polio (three doses meet requirement if at least one was given after fourth birthday), 3 Hepatitis B, and 2 MMR (the first dose of MMR must be given on or after the first birthday). In addition, parents must prove that the child has received the varicella immunization or have a statement from a doctor stating that the child had chicken pox. Parents must provide the results of a Mantoux test for tuberculosis, and the test must be done after Sept. 1, 2008. A new requirement by the California Department of Education is that parents must provide proof of an Oral Health Assessment, which must be completed by a licensed dentist or other registered dental health professional. Oral Health Assessments that have been completed within the 12 months before the child enters school meets this requirement (examination must be completed after Sept. 1, 2008). For specific information about registration times or other information, call (562) 469-6500 and ask for your local school. If you do not know which school your child will attend, call (562) 469-6553.

********** Published: May 8, 2009 - Volume 8 - Issue 3