The Downey Patriot

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Drunk man forgets child in car

PASADENA - A West Covina father was charged with felony child endangerment after allegedly leaving his 3-year-old son alone in a car for hours after he was arrested for public drunkenness.Joe Louie Kurihara, 23, had attended a wedding in Pasadena last Saturday with the boy and the boy's mother. After leaving the wedding with the boy, named Dylan, Pasadena police arrested Kurihara on suspicion of public drunkenness. Kurihara never told police about his son, who was strapped into his car seat in a Lexus SUV parked in a nearby parking garage. Dylan was found safe in the car Sunday night by a citizen who had joined in the search. In addition to the child endangerment and public drunkenness charges, Kurihara was also charged with misdemeanor counts of resisting arrest and battery after he allegedly spit on a police officer.

********** Published: October 21, 2010 - Volume 9 - Issue 27