The Downey Patriot

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Dr. Sandler's departure

Dear Editor:I was surprised to discover Dr. Joel Sandler's recently terminated practice. Pioneer Medical Group chose not to renew his contract. This may be of interest to his many patients who reside in Downey. It would be helpful to use this newspaper as a conduit to disseminate information to your readers who are his patients. I know Dr. Sandler had a huge roster of Downey citizens for whom he provided care. In my opinion he was the most popular and highly-regarded physician in that group. If Dr. Sandler's patients decide to remain with the medical group they must plan to receive medical care from a new provider. Hopefully, reading this letter will help to decrease the shock his patients receive when they are contacted by Pioneer Medical Group or attempt to obtain appointments with Dr. Sandler, who has bene a part of the Downey medical community for more than 40 years. - Frankie Llewllyn, South Gate

********** Published: June 11, 2010 - Volume 9 - Issue 8