Downey's Best Dance Crew

DOWNEY - Students who can move to a beat will all be given the opportunity to show off their skills at the upcoming Downey's Best Dance Crew competition, held by Downey High School's own dance team on March. 12 in the gym.Modeled after the popular television show, America's Best Dance Crew, this competition is just a fun activity Downey students can become involved in by dancing or supporting their friends. The judges will consist of three members of the dance team and one faculty member. What the judges expect to see at this competition is a good deal of the latest trends in teen dancing. "As a dance team, we thought it would be cool if we'd bring the competition to Downey High School," says dance team member and junior Stephanie Guzman. "There are a lot of kids who like to shuffle and dance and we thought it would be cool to give them an opportunity to show what they have." Downey's dance team has succeeded in offering both students and even non-students a chance to get involved and express their talents in front of an audience. Leading the team and directing the event is Leslie Patterson, a faculty member at the high school. "I personally am really looking forward to the event" Patterson said. "My team and I have been working really hard to put together an exciting night of dance and entertainment. I have heard that we have a lot of talented students on campus and we are really excited to see all of the routines the crews put together." The team's main focus, before the competition takes place, is to draw in a large amount of performers and audience alike. They plan on keeping the audience entertained with available food, shout-outs, and even on-the-floor dancing with the DJ. They spread the word by pasting posters on hallways and around campus while also playing music during lunch nearly every day to encourage teenagers to get in the groove and sign up. "Mainly, we're just trying to get the word out and trying to get sign-ups so that we can make this competition possible," says Guzman. "It would be a great opportunity for all the students here and it would just be a really fun experience." Although students are encouraged to express themselves, the high school's rules and regulations will still be enforced. "All of the routines will be previewed and approved by me the Wednesday before the event" said Patterson. "Dress code and language will be strictly enforced." The dance team urges students who have something to show on the dance floor to sign up at the booth located in front of the rally stage during lunch. Fifteen crews have already signed up and although crews are preferred, singles are also welcome. All are invited to come on March 12 to enjoy the competition and, of course, support fellow Downey students as they bust a move.

********** Published: March 5, 2010 - Volume 8 - Issue 46

SportsEric Pierce