Downey Unified schools are busy, even in summer

Oh my gosh - The last day of school has come and gone and what a wonderful year it was. We had close to 2,000 students graduate from all three of our high schools. A huge thanks to our very generous local businesses, organizations, and individuals who provided a total of $572,701 in scholarships to our Columbus, Downey and Warren seniors. And let’s not forget Downey Adult School (DAS) where 28 vocational nurses graduated and 110 students (young and old) came back to school and graduated with either their high school diploma or GED.

As a Board member, my favorite events are the graduations. I like to chat up the students as they walk across the stage. I feel honored to have a little time to be able to share in the memories or accomplishments while they were in school.

But there was a particular student this year whose reaction was a little different than most of the other students. I noticed that as they were walking up to the stage, they were a little more emotional and I saw them wiping tears away. I was concerned that something may have happened that night, so I asked if they were OK.

They paused, looked at me, smiled, and said “yes.” They then explained that they were SO happy because they had worked so hard to graduate. I smiled and told them how proud we all were of them and that we had this opportunity to celebrate with them. I have to say, the joy on that student’s face will stay with me for years to come.

I’m happy every year to see the crowded stands because I think it’s so important for all family members to attend these milestones in the lives of their children. The students are so proud of their hard work and want to show their families this accomplishment. It’s also an important example to younger family members to keep working hard to reach the same goals.

I know, you’re thinking with all the graduations and awards nights behind us, and with the last day of school already come and gone, there’s nothing going on at the schools right now. Well, that would be incorrect. Summer school is in full bloom, supporting students at all levels. We have five elementary schools hosting STEAMworks which is an enrichment program offering activities related to Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics. We also have one ESY (Extended School Year) to support students with special needs.

All four middle schools and three high schools are open this summer providing students with the opportunity to catch up on a missed class, get ahead on course work or explore a new subject. And let’s not forget that the Downey Adult school is open all year long. They have a variety of Career Training classes as well as HS Diploma, GED and CA Notary Public courses to name a few.

Are you running late and don’t have time to fix breakfast or pack a lunch for your child going to summer school? Or, are you in need of support for breakfast and lunch this summer? The Seamless Summer Meal Program is here to help! It is located at the sites where summer school is being held. Students 18 and under can get one free breakfast and lunch per day and they don’t have to be enrolled in summer school. Meals must be consumed on premises; grab-and-go or drive-thru options are not offered. Visit for specific details.

Before I close, I’d like to take the time to say a few words about our approximately 1,000 Classified employees that are part of our Downey Unified family. You might not see many of these family members when your take your students to school because most work behind the scenes. On May 22, I attended our annual Classified Employees’ Service Pin Awards Ceremony. At this event, the Personnel Commission awards our employees pins based on their years of service in 5-year increments.

This year we celebrated with 135 employees receiving pins. Of the 135 recognized, 51 were celebrated for having five years of service, 30 with 10 years, 14 with 15 years, 13 with 20 years, 19 with 25 years, eight with 30 years, and one employee for 35 years. There are not many companies or organizations today who have people stay for 15 or 20 years let alone 30 and 35.

You’ve probably heard people say, “It takes a village to raise a child,” well at Downey Unified we firmly believe that every employee has a crucial role in supporting our 22,000+ students who attend our schools every year. Without the support from ALL our employees we would not be a successful school district.

Here are a few important reminders to know before the new school year:

  • The first day of school is Wednesday, August 14. (Plan your travel around this date). Every day in class is important regardless of their age (Miss School, Miss Out).

  • If your child is just starting as a new student, they must first be Enrolled (a one-time requirement) then you will need to Register.

  • Both new and returning students must complete Registration beginning July 1.

  • If you have a TK-8th grade student and need before and after school care next school year, DFEO (Downey Foundation for Education Opportunities) runs a program for that support. The spaces are limited, so call early. If you used DFEO last year you must renew your interest every year –

  • Take the time to look at the various clubs, activities, and sports your school has to offer before school starts in August. Each school is a little different, so go to your school’s website for these specific details.

  • We have music and arts at all levels across our District! There are music teachers now at all our elementary schools and extensive offerings at our middle and high schools, so make sure to visit their websites to find some additional information.

Stay safe this summer and get rested up for the new school year. I’ll still be here writing my article each month and hoping someone is reading them.

Remember to Take the Time to be KIND.

Features, NewsNancy Swenson