Downey Soroptimists hold a holiday party like no one else
Those Energizer Bunnies, otherwise known as the Downey Soroptimists, held a holiday party and as one might expect, the fun kept going and going and going.
Past President Giggy Saab opened her home and set a long table in the family room to seat 26, and that still wasn’t enough. Those not at the table lounged on couches with red Christmas cushions, and that included the eight or so husbands who also came.
“We could hear you all the way out in the street,” said Dr. Nina Smart to us as she came in, looking scrumptious in a purple sequin shift. Club president Judith Cisneros greeted everyone in her all-red dress with matching red suede boots.
Downey Soroptimist President Judith Cisneros.
“I’ve just finished exam week at school,” Judith said. She’s going for her bachelor’s in Communications, which will help her advance professionally.
Judy McDonnell and Ellie Eck, two of the longest-serving Soroptimists, reminisced with me about two remarkable Soroptimist sisters we now miss: Jean Brazelton and Marvel Dodson. Judy, retired city clerk for the City of Downey, remarked on the Patriot’s involvement with local issues.
“I always think of your interviews with the homeless woman when I see her, “Judy said. “Now she has a name.”
Soroptimists’ mission is to empower women and girls, and the ways and means they do it are legendary. Former District Governor Linda Haines told me about plans being hatched for a new kind of fundraiser.
“It’ll be something different, and elegant, with teams and sponsorship opportunities,” Linda said. “We’ll have it in the spring to coincide with our big scholarship awards.”
Linda’s husband, Rick, was coming off shoulder surgery only a week before, a new upside-down technique that in three months will have him as good as new.
“The symptom that decided me to have the procedure,” said Rick, “was when I couldn’t bring my fork up to my mouth.” Good luck with that rehab, Rick. Now you can go back to archery practice at the club in El Dorado Park. Sounds phenomenal.
Soroptimists offer life-changing scholarships to women whose lives have hit bottom but who are now turning them around and need help learning new skills. Young girls who do remarkable things for the community are also rewarded at scholarship time.
January 11 is the Human Trafficking Convention. the pet project of Cecelia Goñez. The Downey chapter of Soropitimist International also supports Rosalind Russell, “The Goat Lady,” in her Star Foundation’s efforts to bring entrepreneurship through goat ownership to women Nepal. New schools there need computers which are turned on during the few hours a village is allocated to get government-generated electricity. Lots on the plate of Downey SI women.
You are never too old to play games, we found, as fun activities organized by Games Mistress Carrie Rios engaged us all. With the same energy they put into their fabled casino nights, the members competed for the gold-wrapped prizes. How fast can you unwrap a bundle wrapped in Costco’s biggest roll of saran wrap, to get to the embedded prize? The item went around the table several times, and your turn lasted only until the person to your left threw a double of the dice. That’s called the “dog throw” and the probability of it occurring is one in six. Or so they say.
Also seen around the table, Blanca Rochin, principal of the Downey Adult School, wearing a spaghetti-strap flounced red dress. Blanca sat next to Chris Ciatti in her green woven off-the-shoulder sweater, and behind them, a collection of nutcrackers were lined up over the fireplace mantel. Chris had brought a plate of exotic cookies: chocolate stars and those thin wafer-like creations quick-fried and bearing the branding iron marks.
Blanca Rochin and Chris Ciatti. Photo by Lorine Parks
Also seen; realtor Dorothy Pemberton in green sweater, fringed vest and fringed suede boots. And not only was Giggy Perez-Saab’s husband, Alex, present, but also her vivacious mother Alodia Perez-Lam, who is visiting from Florida. Alodia arrived from another party, and went around the room with a hug for each.
For the Christmas trivia game, everyone knew how many ghosts came to visit Ebenezer Scrooge, but not everyone could name the three gifts of the Magi. Where did the McAllister family go when they left Kevin home alone? And who kisses Lucy in “A Charlie Brown Christmas”? Trivia is the great leveler.
And so it went on, after a delicious buffet catered by Frantones, and slices of cheesecake in parfait cordial flavors. Soroptimists, a group of professional and business women, having fun while planning how to do good.