Downey Rose Float Association

Gary DeRemer was installed as president of the Downey Rose Float Association during a recent installation ceremony at the Rio Hondo Event Center. Past president Mike Propkop served as installing officer. The new slate of officers include directors Jennifer DeKay, Reggie Donahue, Mike Negrete, Carl Johnson, Misty Hausmann and Kevin Kendall. Those completing the second year of their term on the board include Madelyn Barefoot, Theresa Angulo and Helen Canova. New officers include Pam Chambers (secretary), Sue England (treasurer), Judy Artherton (third vice president), Sarah Kendall (second vice president), Susan Doman (first vice president) and DeRemer (president). Pictured above, from left: Gary DeRemer, outgoing president Kelley Roberts and Mike Prokop. ********** Published: February 28, 2013 - Volume 11 - Issue 46

FeaturesEric Pierce