Downey police officers return to high school campuses

Downey police officer Mike Pope (now retired) working as a school resource officer at Downey High School in 2018. (Photo by Eric Pierce)

Downey police officer Mike Pope (now retired) working as a school resource officer at Downey High School in 2018. (Photo by Eric Pierce)

DOWNEY — The City of Downey has renewed its agreement with the Downey Unified School District to provide uniformed police officers on Downey's public high schools for the remainder of the current academic year.

According to the agreement, Downey will provide three police officers to serve as campus resource officers at Downey, Warren and Columbus high schools.

All three campuses reopened Monday after more than a year of closure due to the pandemic.

The armed officers will be paid an overtime rate, with Downey Unified footing the bill.

NewsEric Pierce