Downey Junior Girl Scout Troop 2485

Members of Downey Junior Girl Scout Troop 2485 traveled to San Francisco to "bridge" to the next program level by walking across the 1.7 mile Golden Gate Bridge and back. As part of the bridging ceremony, each girl also received the Bronze Award, the highest award Junior Girl Scouts can earn. Members of Troop 2485 include (back row, left to right): Emily Tores, Hayley Sartor, Nikki Aguilar, Elena Santana, Anna Collier, Taylor Finn and Jessica Padron; front row: Sabrina Canales, Isabel Isham-Silva, Ashlyn Booth, Kailey Tomas and Kelly Knowles. Not pictured: Allyson Johnson, Mikayla Minnig, and troop leaders Cheryl Collier and Gloria (Norma) Gomez. ********** Published: September 11, 2009 - Volume 8 - Issue 21

FeaturesEric Pierce