Downey High football team still has open positions

DOWNEY - The Downey High School Varsity football team continues to progress through their summer practices under head coach Jack Williams.Coach Charles Lozano, the Vikings' running backs coach, said that on offense there is an open competition at every position right now. In other words, no starting positions have been determined. Lozano maintains there are some question marks and that the staff is monitoring every player right now to see who steps up. Coach Lozano mentioned that this is an exciting time for the coaches because they get to evaluate the urgency the players show, as they all fight for a spot on the field. The Vikings currently have three young players competing for quarterback. Each player has improved but by being young, have made mistakes too. Coach Lozano said that there is no front runner at this time but that they are all improving each day. Coach Lozano mentioned that Coach Dexter Davis continues to work with the young signal callers and does a great job with that. Coach Lozano said that the running back position is completely up for grabs. Lozano says that there are some great players in this group who work extremely hard and it will be interesting to see who emerges as the summer practices continue. The Vikings will be young at this position but do have a nice mix of power backs and slashers. According to Lozano, these running backs may lack experience but make up for that in athleticism and hard work. The wide receiver position has some playmakers with experience. The experience at this position will allow the Vikings to do some special things on offense because they have been in the system and know what the coaching staff expects from them. Coach Lozano continued by saying that the great thing about the receiving corps is that with their experience and athleticism, they will help whoever wins the QB battle knowing that he has playmakers around him to throw to. The offensive line returns some players who were starters as underclassmen and have gained valuable experience in that process. The coaching staff is expecting them to mentor the younger guys and set an example for them to follow. Coach Lozano said that the offensive line has some depth and that is a huge plus. Lozano further said that the skill positions get all the attention, but the offensive line is the heart and soul of the team. As the offensive line goes, so goes the Viking offense. Head Coach Jack Williams is very pleased with what he sees thus far and takes a lot of pride in developing young players to fill roles needed by the team and teaches them to compete for everything. Coach Williams pushes his players and does a great job of creating a family atmosphere that understands the importance of competition. The Viking coaching staff maintains that the biggest thing which makes this group so special is the fact that there is not one person who thinks they are bigger than the team. Coach Lozano concluded by saying that he is excited about this year's squad and thinks this team can be great. Lozano did emphasize however, that potential is one thing and performance is another.

********** Published: July 19, 2012 - Volume 11 - Issue 14

Eric Pierce